We find 8 core values all of which address a sustainable future for this site.
1-Accessibility: connecting people physically and emotionally with the river and public spaces emphasizes arrival by foot, bike, public transit or automobile.
2- community: Public engagement with the site. gathering native Americans and all people together.
3- circulation: access to nature is emphasized throughout the development
4- educational: visitors will learn about the cultural history of the past inhabitants of the site, by elements such as basketry, fishing and etc.
5- historical: visitors will learn about the rich history of the land. We also need a place to honor native Americans.
6- suitability/habitats: historically, the falls were surrounded by unique plants. Provides an opportunity to have native plants communities again.
7- sensory: make the sensory experience place in site with hearing, seeing, feeling and smelling such as River walks, river bicycle path, terrace with river view and etc.
8- Views: using the unique views of the fall from the program. And weaving together the core values, so the program results from the weaving together of these core values.